Thursday, July 14, 2011

Snail mail: Letters to be Sent out

Thank the Good Lord, the postal strike is over and possibly resolved. I'm not about to get into the whole nonsense of how it started. because i truly just don't give a damn, lol :P
I'm just happy that i can finally receive my letters again, I truly missed them! Sadly since the ending of the postal strike I've only received one letter from a penpal. I really hope the rest are on the way, and not lost somewhere.

The other thing, since the postal strike i sort of took a break too. I mean my letters weren't going anywhere anyways right lol. But anyways now the hard thing for me to do now is getting back in the swing of things and get back to writing letters....too bad i'm also out of damn stamps lol. I swear when one problem gets resolved several more problems appear....Boo!

Ah well i'll get some money soon hopefully.
Here is my list:

August 1, 2011

1) Kiara-Nicole, USA
2) Jasian-Jamaica (DONE)
3) Vendy-UK
4) Camillia-UK
5) Marya-Indonesia
6) Darija-Croatia (DONE)

7) Hayley-UK
8) Fazila-Algeria
9) Kat-Germany (DONE)

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