Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mask: My Skin and the Acne that covers it!

For a few years now i have been battling Acne. So far its been a losing battle. Oneika's Skin- O vs. Acne- 100+ lol ( a little dramatic but you get the point). I've tried drug store products, I've tried brands advertised in commercials...Proactiv ( a highly popular brand)and Vichy (Expensive but worth it if you have the cash to spend on that every month). I've even tried presciption drugs for my face, but nothing works. I guess also because i haven't been consistent with it either.

Well, now i have gone back to my doctor and he prescribed this medication that he like swears by called Clindomycin I believe. He says that his sons used it and it cleared up their horrible acne no problem. And because i'm really desperate and dying to clear up my really bad skin, I am going to give it a try and this time, i'm going to document my progress and stay consistent with it.

By the way, if you don't have a drug plan this little product here runs about $50-$60 a tube. depending on your drug plan you can pay between $5-$11 :d Thank goodness for drug plans!!

Lol don't mind my face, these were taken a few minutes after i woke in all my natural glory LMAO!! And because camera's don't pick up all my skin flaws i had to use a photo editor to show all my skin imperfections.

Here are the results of Week 1 using the prescription drug:


  1. Battling acne is NO FUN o.O I hope this product helps and makes your life a little bit easier ^^

  2. Thanks love :)
    from the way the doctor was raving about it, I hope so lol
