Monday, September 19, 2011

My first week with locs (September 4-10)

Just a compilation of pics during my first week with Locs :) !!

My Loc Journey!

I started this loc journey of mine on September 1st!! yay me!!!
I'm pretty proud of them, every week they look more and more like locs :)The end of September is coming soon...okay so in a like a weeks time but what ev's lol :P For me, I'm happy about that because i will be doing my first wash and re-twist :) which of course will be followed by pics after wards.

I put a little picture video of my starter locs :) I'll be posting another one real soon!!
so for now, enjoy!

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 1st, 2011!!!: My locs are BORN :D !!

After all this waiting and contemplating on when i should get my locs done, I just couldn't take it anymore!! I just had to get my locs done. Plus I thought it was so ridiculous of me to be complaining about how bad I wanted my locs and not doing anything about it.

So anyways I went out and bought the locking gel (a pic will be posted soon) and just started the process.
So from the amount of youtube i have been immersing myself in I've come to learn that there are more than 1 ways to start your locking process. But the 3 most common ways to start them are:

1) comb coils/finger coils
2) two-strand twists and,
3) braid locks

the method i used was method number one :) I used the first method mostly because i liked how it looked hehe :) !!

Everyone always tells you that when you are parting your hair, make sure they are need and precise. Thats all fine and dandy for them, I can't lie my grid pattern is abit off. By that i mean my parts not the neatest, but thats cool....its gives it character LOL!! Plus I like it about unruly. I mean some people like really manicured locs and some don't I'm in between. I don't worry too much about the parting much. I just want the process started, and to finally say I got me some locs lol.

So yea, here are some pictures of my starter locs :) Theres not much i can do with it other than just waiting for my hair to loc. So going through this process it will definitely teach me how to be patient, because.......... well i have no other choice but to be patient, lol :P Hope you enjoy this.

I'm also thinking about doing a few videos here and there. We'll see!

Anyways, another thing one needs to pay attention to, or take into consideration is the size of your locs, do you want big locs, skinny locs, medium size locs and so on and so forth.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Starting my loc journey!!

Okay Okay, your probably tired of me talking about how much i want to get my locs done haha! And how i'm always changing the date. Well I've made a decision about this. I'm going to start my locs tomorrow...if not then next week sometime!!

The only reason why i chose to wait until November was because 1) I wanted my hair to grow abit longer

2) I wouldn't know how to really start my locs/don't want to mess that up and,
3) I wanted a professional to do it

Well that all changed once i called around a few places today. I had not realized that it would cost so much just to get your locs started. I spoke to one lady over the phone saying that the price to get my locs done would be $300!!! Like WTF!! Another lady said it would cost $250 and up ( I hate when prices say and up lol) So basically if you want to get your locs done for the first time its between $100-$300 and up!! its crazy i know.

I took out my yarn braids last night and washed my hair today. I started playing around in my hair and tried doing some comb coils. And they actually looked pretty good. If i don't have to work tomorrow then thats what i'll be doing. I'm really excited and i'll definitely be taking pics of the finished product!!

So until then
Have a good night!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mailed out another letter today!

Here are the letters that are mailed off!


hope it reaches you guys soon :D !!

I'll be sending out Giulia-Italy for tomorrow.

The last 2 letters will be sent out next week sometime.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letters to be sent out today : !

I was able to purchase a few stamps this week, so the following letters and postcards will be sent out today:


The next batch will be sent out within the next 2 weeks


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dinner i made :) Yummy!

just wanted to show, the dinner i made about 2 weeks ago lol :) I want to make it my habit to start eating healthier. I mean i'm making so many other changes in my life, i might aswell make a change in my diet too :) Plus i LOVE FOOD!! hehe!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Toronto 2011 Video aka Caribana Festival 2011

This past July Caribana Festival was going on. And unfortunately I missed it :( I missed it because....well..... this girl right here has no money or job lol. I saw this video clip on YouTube, about the Caribana festival that went on this year. OmG!! it looks so amazing. All the different costumes and floats and the FOOD!! i'm a sucker for some Caribbean food (specifically JAMAICAN, because thats my nationality lol) and the music of course. So to make up for this summer of not being able to attend, I am sooooooooooooo going to be in next summers (next year aka summer 2012) Caribana festival. Which also means I am going to have to work out lol, because the costumes are pretty out there hahaha!! But thats caribana for you, bright and skimpy costumes!

Two friends of mine were in it this year, and they told me all about the fun they had. I want to at least participate in the Caribana festival at least once. I'm getting super excited just thinking about it. Plus, hopefully around that time my dreadlocks will have grown to a good length where i can style them hehe!

Enjoy the clip :D

Guess Who FINALLY Has A Job?!!!....ME!

On Tuesday I had the worst day of my life. I just woke up that day, extremely unhappy, sad and just seriously hating life. I felt as if nothing was going right for me. Like i was just filled with emotions, I would just cry all day. If i wasn't crying, i would be sleeping. Once i woke up, checked my phone and i noticed i had a missed call from my cousin. I didn't bother calling her back. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone that day. Except my mother, who i poured everything I was feeling to her. She was trying to help me out by saying re-assuring things, like it'll get better, your just having a bad day. And so on :)

The next day, I spoke to my mother again to see how i was and i told her i was feeling alot better (Which is true). A few minutes after i get off the phone with my mother, I get a text from my cousin, saying "Congratulations Amiga, you are a new member of Sirens (its a clothing store). I was really happy to hear that. My cousin said that she'll put me on the schedule for next week Sunday. So she'll call me to let me know what time to start :)

I'm really excited about that. When i say that i have been searching for a job for the LONGEST WHILE, I was so serious. I just hate going through that shitty process of handing out resumes, and not hearing back from these people. Or when you finally get an interview, and "you" think everything went well but you don't hear back from them. When i don't hear back I get stressed and it frustrates the HELL out of me.

But anyways, I finally have a job to look forward to, so once i get my first pay check I'll be able to buy some stamps, because i have a few long-overdue letters to send out :D

Monday, August 8, 2011

Letters put on hold :( Sorry guys....

Hey my awesome snail mailers, I have some good news...and some bad news. The good news the following letters listed have been completed (written and enveloped !)...............the bad news: I have no stamps at this time, and its bugging me lots.
So until i get some money to purchase some stamps, the letters will have to wait abit to be sent out, I`m really sorry about this. ---and if there is anyone i have missed, please comment below :D !!----

1) Giulia-Italy
2) Vendy-UK
3) Amber-Canada
4) Fazila-Algeria
5) Mary-Indonesia
6) Ida-UK
7) Martina-Slovakia
8) Gigi-Australia
9) Dilara-Turkey
10) Hayley-UK
11) Camilla-UK
12) Catarina-Portugal
13) Marjorie-France

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting my locs!! DATE CHANGE :D

I've been thinking and debating on whether waiting until January 2012 is too long of a wait to get my locs done....It doesn't help that i watch different YouTuber's and their loc journeys either, haha!

Every time i see their videos, I want to get my locs done sooner. So I've decided i'm not waiting until next year, I'm going to get them done for my birthday :D !! (November 26!). I asked my mom if she'd be willing to pay to get my locs done, and she said "Of course!!".
The waiting process is brutal, because i want to get my locs done so badly. On the plus side, all this waiting my hair is growing and growing so thats good. At least when i get locs i'll have a decent length to it.

Now i just have to find a natural hair salon here in the GTA and find out how much it'll cost :)
All right thats it for now, i'm going to go back and watch more natural hair videos to keep me inspired and excited!!

Toodles :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mask: My Skin and the Acne that covers it!

For a few years now i have been battling Acne. So far its been a losing battle. Oneika's Skin- O vs. Acne- 100+ lol ( a little dramatic but you get the point). I've tried drug store products, I've tried brands advertised in commercials...Proactiv ( a highly popular brand)and Vichy (Expensive but worth it if you have the cash to spend on that every month). I've even tried presciption drugs for my face, but nothing works. I guess also because i haven't been consistent with it either.

Well, now i have gone back to my doctor and he prescribed this medication that he like swears by called Clindomycin I believe. He says that his sons used it and it cleared up their horrible acne no problem. And because i'm really desperate and dying to clear up my really bad skin, I am going to give it a try and this time, i'm going to document my progress and stay consistent with it.

By the way, if you don't have a drug plan this little product here runs about $50-$60 a tube. depending on your drug plan you can pay between $5-$11 :d Thank goodness for drug plans!!

Lol don't mind my face, these were taken a few minutes after i woke in all my natural glory LMAO!! And because camera's don't pick up all my skin flaws i had to use a photo editor to show all my skin imperfections.

Here are the results of Week 1 using the prescription drug:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot azz weather all weekend....

Ugh! okay, normally i'd be pretty happy about hot weather, but we've been getting Hot-Azz weather. Like honestly, just standing outside for like a minute, you start to break a sweat, its so gross. It was suppose to rain this evening, and i was so excited but didn't happen, it just continued being hot as hell all night.

I'm at a friends house at the moment and she lives on the top floor, pent house, and you know what they say about hot air: Hot air rises. So its pretty hot in here, i'd take the bus home but its 1:39 in the morning and her area is confusing to get around in at night ( okay, so it might have to do with the fact that i suck at directions lol...don't judge me :P).

so i'm sleeping in the living room with the balcony door open. I just hope i don't get attacked by any pigeons while i'm asleep lol

so here's the weather forcast for the weekend here in Toronto, Canada lol
Saturday---> 35° C
Sunday-----> 28° C

Apparently on Monday its suppose to be 27 degrees C with Thunder and lighting. We'll see if it happens (PLEASE HAPPEN!!!)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Monday Night fun :D

I get this call from my friend from college (Ashia), okay more like a one nowadays really calls anyone anymore lol :P Right so i get a text saying: FREE SLUHSIES AT THE 7-ELEVEN ALL NIGHT!!

I text-ed back saying i definitely want to go. We met up at my place and then too the bus downtown. We went to the closest 7-Eleven close to the subway station. Now when we get there to get our free slushy, guess what happens! THEY RUN OUT OF CUPS!! Seriously?! LOL!! After getting over that, we went to McDonald's to grab a bite to eat. Ashia ordered 2 burgers and i ordered a meal lol :P

We then hopped on the subway and headed to Dundas square to take a few pics :) it was alot of fun :D

Hot Hot Hot Weather= Sticky and sweaty girl :P

For some reason I didn't really pay much mind when my mother and brother had warned me about how hot today was going to be. Until I went outside today my damn self and walked for abit and started sweating like crazy. I seriously felt like melting chocolate. it was crazy. Now this extreme hot weather has carried into the night and i am still hot and sticky. After this I plan on taking a nice cold shower and then SERIOUSLY CONSIDER SLEEPING UNDER MY BED!! HEHE!! because on my bed its hot aswell and i am not enjoying the feeling.

I checked the weather this afternoon, it was 37 degrees Celsius! which is pretty hot. I remember a few times it got as hot as 43 degrees Celsius, its nuts. i'm actually looking forward to winter now haha!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Snail mail: Letters to be Sent out

Thank the Good Lord, the postal strike is over and possibly resolved. I'm not about to get into the whole nonsense of how it started. because i truly just don't give a damn, lol :P
I'm just happy that i can finally receive my letters again, I truly missed them! Sadly since the ending of the postal strike I've only received one letter from a penpal. I really hope the rest are on the way, and not lost somewhere.

The other thing, since the postal strike i sort of took a break too. I mean my letters weren't going anywhere anyways right lol. But anyways now the hard thing for me to do now is getting back in the swing of things and get back to writing letters....too bad i'm also out of damn stamps lol. I swear when one problem gets resolved several more problems appear....Boo!

Ah well i'll get some money soon hopefully.
Here is my list:

August 1, 2011

1) Kiara-Nicole, USA
2) Jasian-Jamaica (DONE)
3) Vendy-UK
4) Camillia-UK
5) Marya-Indonesia
6) Darija-Croatia (DONE)

7) Hayley-UK
8) Fazila-Algeria
9) Kat-Germany (DONE)

My little faux hawk turned curly afro!

For about a week now (and a few days lol) I have had my hair in single twist (or as the rest of the world calls them, 2 strand twists). Then got bored with it/it started getting messy. So i decided to re-style it somehow :D I took out my twist and did a few cane-rowes (corn-row for the rest of the world lol) on both sides of my head. and this is how it turned out.

I never thought i would look good with an afro, heck even a faux hawk for that matter, but its growing on me. My hair has never felt so free hahah!! it'll be an adventure washing and detangling all that hair later on though haha


Monday, June 27, 2011

Postal Strike may End as soon as Tuesday!!

Yay!! I just saw some recent news on the Canadian Postal strike that has been going on for about 3-4 weeks now. On the CTV website, they said that the postal workers have been forced back to work by the government, and that mail is to resume with normal business as soon as Tuesday (TOMORROW!!).

So i expect to see mail in my mail box tomorrow afternoon :D I'm a snail mailer, which means i love writing letters, going this long without writing any letters has made me a little crazy lol.

Here is the link about the postal strike update! :

Thrift store finds under $25!

Women's Blouse ($6.99), one of the shoulder pads of the blouse was coming undone so i sewed it back :D

Women's Navy Blue Blazer ($7.99)

Cute little skirt ($4.99)

In Love with Second Hand stores :) Value Village!!

Living Divine Vintage Haul

Last week Tuesday, I went over to my cousins place to drop off some clothes I borrowed from her lol (it was long overdue but meh! the point is she finally got them :P). We decided to go out for abit. We went to check out "Value Village" ( a second hand store here). I got into purchasing second-hand clothes stores, from watching the youtubers "ClothesEncounters". I love their tips for thrift shopping, their D.I.Y. (Do-It Yourself)tutorials and just their sense of style. they're not afraid to be different, which i think is so amazingly-awesome (so not a word, but oh well lol).

Back to my trip to Value Village. I purchased 3 items under $30 dollars which was great!! I'll post pictures in abit.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Interpals meet up :D !!

About 2 weeks ago, my friend who i have been talking with via internet ( for a few months), got to finally meet one another :). It was pretty cool, we met up downtown, and went to the mall walked around for a bit, looked in a few stores and then went to the food court for something to eat (Fries and Tacos !!). I realized I don't go downtown as much as I use to because. While my friend and i were eating, about 2-3 homeless men came into the food court asking for change. I was abit taken aback at first, but i was more sad, because I really wish i had some money to give them. I just never feel right when i have to turn them away. after our food eating lol, my friend and I went walking around downtown for abit and took some photos aswell!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Day at the Library!....don't be jealous :P

So this morning, while feeling extremely down, and borderline EMO! I decided to get up off my but and out of bed and take myself to the library. And brought my laptop aswell lol :P

I started walking around, and looking at books, and then sat down and started reading some books, surprisingly, I felt better afterwards. I took out all sorts of books, biographies, inspirational, and a few others :D Oh and even one on math, the subject that i hate the most. I still don't understand why we have to learn all that jargon...or as i call it nonsense in high-school, when we can't even put it to good use in "REAL WORD" as the teachers enjoy referring to it?

I mean its only until you reach college that you learn how to do math that will help you in everyday life situations. But even then its not enough, because it only teaches you the "VERY VERY VERY" Basics of what you need to do.................anyways, got abit sidetracked but no worries!!

In all i ended up taking out about 11 books in total, I'm not sure exactly where i'm going to find the time to read all of them, but i guess i'll have to make time haha!!

here are the names of the list of books in no particular order (in case you wanted to check them out :P):

1) Everyday Math Demystified (a self-teaching Guide) by Stan Gibilisco
2) The Great Crash: How the stock marker crash of 1929 plunged the world into Depression by Selwyn Parker
3) 1000 places to see before you die: a travelers life list by Patricia Schultz
4) Inside Larry & Sergey's Brain by Richard L. Brandt
5) No Guts No Glory: How Canada's Greatest CEOS Built their Empires by David Olive
6) Forbes: Great Sucess Stories: 12 tales of Victory Wrested from defeat by Alan Farnham
7) The Baglady Papers: the priceless experience of losing it all (true story) by Alexandra Penney
8) The Manley Memoirs by Beverly Manley
9)iCon Steve Jobs: the greatest second act of the history of business by Jeffrey S. Young & William L. Simon
10) SCANDAL! :Amazing tales of scandals that shocked the world and shaped modern business
11) The Hormonally Vulnerable Woman by Geoffrey Redmond, M.D.

Bonus**: I wanted to take this book out too, but i think i have enough to sustain me for the next 3 weeks lol :P anyways here it is: Thy Neighbor's wife by Gay Talese :D

Job hunting: I've gone from being optimistic to straight pissed the FRACK!! off

So its been a few months now and still no freakin job yet!!! Sometimes i honestly feel like i'm going to loose it. I mean, I'm now realizing that its not as easy to get a job, as it once was a few years back. Lately, I've been up in down with emotions of extremely pissed off, frustrated, exhausted, and just down right sad. I mean, I hate being so cooped up at home because i can't go anywhere.
I mean i go out there and hand out the resumes, and what pisses me off even more is that i don't even get an interview with any of the places i apply too.

I don't know what i am going to do, I really have to find some other options to making money, because looking/applying for jobs just isn't cutting it anymore..... I guess its true when they say, that when you apply for jobs, its the employers pick of the lot. you have no control over getting that job.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Morning Vermin almost made me crap my pants!!!! your just gross :P

So i decided to take out the garbage this morning like the good person I am lol, when this mouse, or was it a rat?….it was probably a rat (answering my own questions much?!)….scared the living daylights out of me!! as i opened the recycle bin, the bloody vermin jumped out and scurried off in one direction….. Hell i did the same thing, LMAO!! 
For a few days or weeks , whichever i’ll probably not be taking out the garbage, because i’m clearly terrified that this may happen again, lol :P HELP ME!! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Will be sharing another letter sometime today!

so its been awhile since i last shared another letter. I'll be posting one today later one. thats all hehe!!
see ya soon!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Letter from Brazil

So I got a letter in the mail on friday I believe :) And the cutest birthday card and notepad along with it.  Here it is!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Letter from my snail mail friend from Alegeria

Received this Fabulous letter about 2 weeks ago, i believe, I was beyond excited and i will be replying back to this lovely letter very soon!! <3

Letter from France

 Got this letter about 3 days ago!! Hello Kitty stuff, sooo cute!!

Letter from my snail friend from the Czech Republic

I was on my way out to get an application form from Tim Horton's and I had to check my mail box. And to my surprise I found this really cute letter from a friend :D it honestly made my day!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Snail mail friend from Brunei Darussalam !!

Yesterday when I got home, I opened up my laptop and I found the cutest letter and postcard. I was instantly Super-excited!! It was from my new friend from Brunei! In the letter it talked about her life in Brunei and what it's like. Bascailly, the letter was just GREAT!!
Writing letters and receiving them is always some much fun! And this is something that i will continue doing and meeting fun people from all over the world.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My First Post

Hello Hello Hello Everyone  out there who may be reading this hehe!!
So i've had this blog for sometime now and at first I thought this mess was abit to darn complicated, but as I tried and tried and tried again, I  realized it wasn't too too hard haha :P

Mostly on this blog site, I'll be sharing things that happen to me in my everyday life and snail mail stories and whatever else comes to mind/feel like sharing :D !!