Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Starting my loc journey!!

Okay Okay, your probably tired of me talking about how much i want to get my locs done haha! And how i'm always changing the date. Well I've made a decision about this. I'm going to start my locs tomorrow...if not then next week sometime!!

The only reason why i chose to wait until November was because 1) I wanted my hair to grow abit longer

2) I wouldn't know how to really start my locs/don't want to mess that up and,
3) I wanted a professional to do it

Well that all changed once i called around a few places today. I had not realized that it would cost so much just to get your locs started. I spoke to one lady over the phone saying that the price to get my locs done would be $300!!! Like WTF!! Another lady said it would cost $250 and up ( I hate when prices say and up lol) So basically if you want to get your locs done for the first time its between $100-$300 and up!! its crazy i know.

I took out my yarn braids last night and washed my hair today. I started playing around in my hair and tried doing some comb coils. And they actually looked pretty good. If i don't have to work tomorrow then thats what i'll be doing. I'm really excited and i'll definitely be taking pics of the finished product!!

So until then
Have a good night!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mailed out another letter today!

Here are the letters that are mailed off!


hope it reaches you guys soon :D !!

I'll be sending out Giulia-Italy for tomorrow.

The last 2 letters will be sent out next week sometime.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letters to be sent out today : !

I was able to purchase a few stamps this week, so the following letters and postcards will be sent out today:


The next batch will be sent out within the next 2 weeks


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dinner i made :) Yummy!

just wanted to show, the dinner i made about 2 weeks ago lol :) I want to make it my habit to start eating healthier. I mean i'm making so many other changes in my life, i might aswell make a change in my diet too :) Plus i LOVE FOOD!! hehe!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Toronto 2011 Video aka Caribana Festival 2011

This past July Caribana Festival was going on. And unfortunately I missed it :( I missed it because....well..... this girl right here has no money or job lol. I saw this video clip on YouTube, about the Caribana festival that went on this year. OmG!! it looks so amazing. All the different costumes and floats and the FOOD!! i'm a sucker for some Caribbean food (specifically JAMAICAN, because thats my nationality lol) and the music of course. So to make up for this summer of not being able to attend, I am sooooooooooooo going to be in next summers (next year aka summer 2012) Caribana festival. Which also means I am going to have to work out lol, because the costumes are pretty out there hahaha!! But thats caribana for you, bright and skimpy costumes!

Two friends of mine were in it this year, and they told me all about the fun they had. I want to at least participate in the Caribana festival at least once. I'm getting super excited just thinking about it. Plus, hopefully around that time my dreadlocks will have grown to a good length where i can style them hehe!

Enjoy the clip :D

Guess Who FINALLY Has A Job?!!!....ME!

On Tuesday I had the worst day of my life. I just woke up that day, extremely unhappy, sad and just seriously hating life. I felt as if nothing was going right for me. Like i was just filled with emotions, I would just cry all day. If i wasn't crying, i would be sleeping. Once i woke up, checked my phone and i noticed i had a missed call from my cousin. I didn't bother calling her back. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone that day. Except my mother, who i poured everything I was feeling to her. She was trying to help me out by saying re-assuring things, like it'll get better, your just having a bad day. And so on :)

The next day, I spoke to my mother again to see how i was and i told her i was feeling alot better (Which is true). A few minutes after i get off the phone with my mother, I get a text from my cousin, saying "Congratulations Amiga, you are a new member of Sirens (its a clothing store). I was really happy to hear that. My cousin said that she'll put me on the schedule for next week Sunday. So she'll call me to let me know what time to start :)

I'm really excited about that. When i say that i have been searching for a job for the LONGEST WHILE, I was so serious. I just hate going through that shitty process of handing out resumes, and not hearing back from these people. Or when you finally get an interview, and "you" think everything went well but you don't hear back from them. When i don't hear back I get stressed and it frustrates the HELL out of me.

But anyways, I finally have a job to look forward to, so once i get my first pay check I'll be able to buy some stamps, because i have a few long-overdue letters to send out :D

Monday, August 8, 2011

Letters put on hold :( Sorry guys....

Hey my awesome snail mailers, I have some good news...and some bad news. The good news the following letters listed have been completed (written and enveloped !)...............the bad news: I have no stamps at this time, and its bugging me lots.
So until i get some money to purchase some stamps, the letters will have to wait abit to be sent out, I`m really sorry about this. ---and if there is anyone i have missed, please comment below :D !!----

1) Giulia-Italy
2) Vendy-UK
3) Amber-Canada
4) Fazila-Algeria
5) Mary-Indonesia
6) Ida-UK
7) Martina-Slovakia
8) Gigi-Australia
9) Dilara-Turkey
10) Hayley-UK
11) Camilla-UK
12) Catarina-Portugal
13) Marjorie-France

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting my locs!! DATE CHANGE :D

I've been thinking and debating on whether waiting until January 2012 is too long of a wait to get my locs done....It doesn't help that i watch different YouTuber's and their loc journeys either, haha!

Every time i see their videos, I want to get my locs done sooner. So I've decided i'm not waiting until next year, I'm going to get them done for my birthday :D !! (November 26!). I asked my mom if she'd be willing to pay to get my locs done, and she said "Of course!!".
The waiting process is brutal, because i want to get my locs done so badly. On the plus side, all this waiting my hair is growing and growing so thats good. At least when i get locs i'll have a decent length to it.

Now i just have to find a natural hair salon here in the GTA and find out how much it'll cost :)
All right thats it for now, i'm going to go back and watch more natural hair videos to keep me inspired and excited!!

Toodles :D