Friday, August 12, 2011

Guess Who FINALLY Has A Job?!!!....ME!

On Tuesday I had the worst day of my life. I just woke up that day, extremely unhappy, sad and just seriously hating life. I felt as if nothing was going right for me. Like i was just filled with emotions, I would just cry all day. If i wasn't crying, i would be sleeping. Once i woke up, checked my phone and i noticed i had a missed call from my cousin. I didn't bother calling her back. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone that day. Except my mother, who i poured everything I was feeling to her. She was trying to help me out by saying re-assuring things, like it'll get better, your just having a bad day. And so on :)

The next day, I spoke to my mother again to see how i was and i told her i was feeling alot better (Which is true). A few minutes after i get off the phone with my mother, I get a text from my cousin, saying "Congratulations Amiga, you are a new member of Sirens (its a clothing store). I was really happy to hear that. My cousin said that she'll put me on the schedule for next week Sunday. So she'll call me to let me know what time to start :)

I'm really excited about that. When i say that i have been searching for a job for the LONGEST WHILE, I was so serious. I just hate going through that shitty process of handing out resumes, and not hearing back from these people. Or when you finally get an interview, and "you" think everything went well but you don't hear back from them. When i don't hear back I get stressed and it frustrates the HELL out of me.

But anyways, I finally have a job to look forward to, so once i get my first pay check I'll be able to buy some stamps, because i have a few long-overdue letters to send out :D

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations I am very happy for you^^
    Hope that it is just the job that you wanted and hope that you will be at ease^^
