Friday, August 12, 2011

Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Toronto 2011 Video aka Caribana Festival 2011

This past July Caribana Festival was going on. And unfortunately I missed it :( I missed it because....well..... this girl right here has no money or job lol. I saw this video clip on YouTube, about the Caribana festival that went on this year. OmG!! it looks so amazing. All the different costumes and floats and the FOOD!! i'm a sucker for some Caribbean food (specifically JAMAICAN, because thats my nationality lol) and the music of course. So to make up for this summer of not being able to attend, I am sooooooooooooo going to be in next summers (next year aka summer 2012) Caribana festival. Which also means I am going to have to work out lol, because the costumes are pretty out there hahaha!! But thats caribana for you, bright and skimpy costumes!

Two friends of mine were in it this year, and they told me all about the fun they had. I want to at least participate in the Caribana festival at least once. I'm getting super excited just thinking about it. Plus, hopefully around that time my dreadlocks will have grown to a good length where i can style them hehe!

Enjoy the clip :D


  1. Aww I wish I could have been there!!! lol What a colourful video :D This is one of my favourite songs by Zoelah so I really enjoyed watching it ^^ Hopefully you get a chance to participate next year!

  2. Yay!! like this carnival by seeing the video^^, like the costumes and the make up!! I hope you can participate the next year and share & send for us pictures^^
